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Impossible Life Dreams: Experiencing the softness of Chris Yukine's zenbus.

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まんだらけZENBU!最新98号は4月10日発売予定!今回は「東宝怪獣」特集。ゴジラを中心に東宝怪獣TOYやグッズを多数掲載。他にも 代表作の「ななこSOS」など最新作が連載されていた吾妻ひでおの個人同人誌「あづまマガジン」など吾妻ひでお同人誌多数出品!お楽しみに

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Auf Balkonien ist es noch nicht warm genug, ich freue mich aber schon auf wärmere Tage, derweil wird das Skizzenbuch weiter gefüllt 🐭

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both zenbukiminoseida and bandoris mashiro's have white hair...... I see it

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Warui Koto, Zenbu

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Zenbu Matsuri chan desu.
Cuz she's soooo cute.

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Zenbu evening to you to David

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goodnight zenbu. sleep comfortably!

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Bringing back my old Zenbu Pic

We need you, Zenbu Nation

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Hyper Chris wants the Zenbu Nation to assemble

She wants us to come back

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Frozen Soap Bubbles⁣
It’s been an unusually warm winter here, but the cold finally came. I’m a little rusty, but here are a few frozen bubbles from today. ⁣

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「まんだらけZENBU 最新97号は2月10日発売予定!働く車(パトカー&重機)&スターウォーズ(R2-D2)特集。ギャラリーページから石ノ森章太郎直筆サイン入り複製カラーイラストを。構図のバランスが見事な一枚。飾りたいな。

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