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Harvest Moon and Chao Garden made most of my childhood.

I still play Borderlands to this day. Wish they would release a Switch version.

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Tha fuk é esse negócio de ?? o_o
Er, bem... de qualquer forma, aí vai a minha contribuição.
Sim eu sei, previsível, não é mesmo? :D

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to the surprise of nobody...XD
Loved for the stories!

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There are so many games that inspired my childhood! It’s hard to only pick 4. But I think I’ve narrowed it down to some of the most memorable ones. These games influenced me a lot and I enjoyed playing every single moment of them.

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fighting games and "regular games" have always been and always will be categorized differently in my head. so heres a for fighting games.

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The top four games that really influenced me and I keep coming back to are these. There are runner ups, like Tales of the Abyss, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Rayman Origins/Legends, but the others definitely have had a longer run in my life time.

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To I love all these games and can play them pretty much non-stop! They heavily influenced me on design and what kinda games I like
(And yes Rockman X5 is one of my faves)

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There's way too many games I love, but these 4 probably sum up my tastes the best.

Some honorable mentions:
Paper Mario TTYD
Nier Automata
Jet Set Radio
Guilty Gear

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and if you MUST know...
Some of my very first games, including one that i had to sneak down to my brother’s room to play cuz it was too “mature” 👌
(Pokemon Gold / Yoshi’s Island DS / Portal / Bioshock)

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So uh I love big moody environments

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I have a real knack for falling in love with games people seem to dislike. These are all games that hit me hard emotionally one way or another. But as with most lists, it's so hard to narrow it down

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These are some of my top games that I really love to play!

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Broke up my list by decade. These are the ones that defined a certain time in my life. Loved mega man as a kid, got into dragon quest in my teens, etrian rekindled my love for rpgs in my 20s, and somehow I’m enjoying bloodborne in my 30s 😂

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I didn’t know know was also a thing—and that’s even more difficult to decide... But these four have been my life 💚

• Kingdom Hearts
• Tales of Xillia
• Harvest Moon 64
• LoZ: Wind Waker

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ok this was hard but
(Kinda cheating because spyro totally counts for all three of the orignals)

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So many influences. Bloodborne is the dark beauty

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searching for these images was a mistake bc now i wanna play video games hhhh

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Oh man, the games that left the biggest marks in my life? I gotta give it to these.

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