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One I'm working on right now is LOW LEVEL RPG MONSTERS... like.. a tiny bestiary/guide to a made-up list of generic lv1 "starter" monsters you'd run into. Slimes, rats, bats, etc!

Here's a preview

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in my campaign one player became god of slimes so oozes and cubes could become clerics and paladins and it was amazing

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Skewers and slimes


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slime girls!!!! aka awakened slimes bc why not slime boys too??

have you ever wanted to play a gelatinous cube or ochre jelly but WAY CUTER? this is the player race for you!!

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Nous avons préparé des Récompenses Quotidiennes spéciales pour embellir le nouvel an ! De sublimes récompenses pour les utilisateurs ayant joué sans avoir manqué cette chance !

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"Honestamente sólo hago cosas porque necesito una manera de mantener mi mente siempre ocupada. El arte parece ser la única forma de llenar esa necesidad.”

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como los slimes evolucionan hasta tener una apariencia humana 👌#draw

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Yesterday I bought on Steam. After a lot of hours of playing, I added a few tabby slimes in my next painting =] 🍄🐱🍄

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Always remember to give your slimes plenty of love and attention

Was gifted a copy recently and I already love it <3

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Alors que les personnages de Soul Calibur VI sont parfaitement dégueulasses in-game, on peut se consoler avec leurs sublimes artworks respectifs.

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Hi my name is Blacklimes and I'm getting way too hype for a tabletop campaign that isn't happening until a million years from now. I also forgot to post these. So here we are.

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Il a illustré nos plus beaux comptes à rebours. Il réalise de sublimes réalisations, il a été remarqué par Hajime Tabata et publié dans le calendrier d'Uncovered. Si vous souhaitez apporter du soutien à , ça se passe ici : https://t.co/jvKWbgV7pc Merci pour lui !

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