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#GameStruck4: at first I thought of childhood games, but games have been with me my whole life and continue to change me to this day. Pokemon when I was a kid, Ace Attorney and Okami in my teens, and Pyre as an adult. Many runner-ups, but a brief summary of my favorite games.
Shoot, #GameStruck4 is harder than expected... let's go with Spyro 3, Fable 1, Deadly Premonition, and 999.
repost because i Forgot who i was, my #GameStruck4 twilight princess is my Number One, skyrim is my video game house, beautiful katamari i revisit a lot and it Miraculously cures my depression and ffxv Gave me said depression
Games are pretty much my primary inspiration. I'd say games inspired StC more than anything else #GameStruck4
my taste in games is built entirely off of these 4 (and pokemon) and i sing their praises every chance i get #GameStruck4
Sibling and I are though decades of our lives trying to figure this out. While there are so many and beautiful games I played hundreds of hours of, these games have been there for me through some of the most developmental parts of my life #GameStruck4
#GameStruck4 these games stand out to me with their stories, characters, and worlds and really made me think about narrative in games and how important and good that can be
These games mean so much to me growing up, and influenced a lot for me as an artist too💕 #GameStruck4
Four influential video games that helped define me. #GameStruck4
1. The Secret of Monkey Island
2. Planescape: Torment
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
4. Persona 5
#gamestruck IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE AHHHH but these are the 4 games that i could honestly say changed my life and how i view video games
#GameStruck4 final fantasy, xenosaga, odin sphere, and fire emblem: PoR. It was actually hard deciding on a 4th game. honorable mentions go to tales, kh, harvestmoon/rf, any vanillaware game, zelda.