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Brogue, Space Funeral, Enter the Gungeon, and Undertale

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at first I thought of childhood games, but games have been with me my whole life and continue to change me to this day. Pokemon when I was a kid, Ace Attorney and Okami in my teens, and Pyre as an adult. Many runner-ups, but a brief summary of my favorite games.

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Shoot, is harder than expected... let's go with Spyro 3, Fable 1, Deadly Premonition, and 999.

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repost because i Forgot who i was, my twilight princess is my Number One, skyrim is my video game house, beautiful katamari i revisit a lot and it Miraculously cures my depression and ffxv Gave me said depression

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Games are pretty much my primary inspiration. I'd say games inspired StC more than anything else

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pt 2 lemme pour one out for my other homies.......

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my taste in games is built entirely off of these 4 (and pokemon) and i sing their praises every chance i get

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Sibling and I are though decades of our lives trying to figure this out. While there are so many and beautiful games I played hundreds of hours of, these games have been there for me through some of the most developmental parts of my life

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these games stand out to me with their stories, characters, and worlds and really made me think about narrative in games and how important and good that can be

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These games mean so much to me growing up, and influenced a lot for me as an artist too💕

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Four influential video games that helped define me.

1. The Secret of Monkey Island
2. Planescape: Torment
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
4. Persona 5

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IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE AHHHH but these are the 4 games that i could honestly say changed my life and how i view video games

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Gamestruck: Obscure games that nobody else i know played edition

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final fantasy, xenosaga, odin sphere, and fire emblem: PoR. It was actually hard deciding on a 4th game. honorable mentions go to tales, kh, harvestmoon/rf, any vanillaware game, zelda.

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