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Applejack y u so adorable?! ^_^

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Applejack helping out Applebloom. ^_^

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Alright everypony today will be pictures of Applejack. Enjoy and happy Hearts Warming Eve. ^_^

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o wow.. hot is new for me.. I like the idea :-)

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Stop trying to explain physics to Applejack Twilight. ^_^

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Goodnight everypony have a wonderful night/day. Final Applejack picture of the day. ^_^

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Who wants to give Applejack a belly wub? ^_^

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Applejack playing a nice tune. ^_^

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The Great and Powerful Applejack! ^_^

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Alright everypony tomorrow will be Sweetie Belle, but today will be pictures of Applejack. Enjoy ^_^

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Alright everypony last Applejack picture of the day. ^_^

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Who wants to play some volleyball with Applejack? ^_^

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Who wants to give Applejack a belly wub? ^_^

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Good morning everypony as promised from yesterday, today will be pictures of Applejack. Enjoy ^_^

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Alright everypony tomorrow will be Applejack, but today will be pictures of Queen Chrysalis. Enjoy ^_^

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Applejack y u so adorable? ^_^

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Who wants to play Applejack in a game of volleyball? ^_^

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Applejack sure loves Nightmare Night. ^_^

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Applejack is the best big sister ever! ^_^

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Applejack loves her apple fwitters. ^_^

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