画質 高画質

Got tagged by for an ^-^

Not gonna tag anyone else, bc I'm too shy for that stuff...

So here are some of my favourite works:

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I'll take this opportunity to totally repost art I've made that may or may not have been already shared!!

I'll pass the tag along to because these are artists I think people should go check out :3c https://t.co/S3o8DNWKYN

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So tag me to flex my art skills? Well okay then)

I think I can call for... and

5 35

Tagged by

This year was a blast when it came to making art and I'm glad I've improved overtime ^^
I shall tag these amazing people

3 10

it took me a moment to find actual colored pieces that i was ready to post. How do i draw so much but never color anything? Anyways (if yall are up to it) https://t.co/JeDqJz6xnG

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I got tag by my friend for a so ill guess ill tag someone else too

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This is something new for me... but ok.
i'm tagged to by

so now i want tag: and

3 30

Robo-centered HECK YEAH! 🤖 All colours mine, see second tweet for lineart credits. Thanks for the tag - tagging if you're so inclined! ✨


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Got tagged for and I don't actually know what this tag is asking for, but I suppose this is as good a time as any to update my pinned tweet! So... hi, everyone! Miguel here; I'm a software engineer from the Philippines, but I also like to art!

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I have been invited aboard the once again thanks to Lisa 😊 This time I will just encourage all of you to participate. Here goes some of my dapper friends from outer space. Happy weekend :-)

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Well Idk what this is but this is my art
Got tagged by

(idk don't ask jwkskd)

6 17

Ty for the tag!

I couldn't finish alot of my art recently I'm always doodling 😔
I have very few of my art done so yea!

You can join if you want!


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Was tagged for ty!

It's hard to choose pieces I like the most which weren't in the pinned xD

And tagging y'all, hope you don't mind, but u don't have to do it if you don't want to :>


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Tagged by !

I'll tag... ... and anyone else that draws and wants to do this I guess LMAO

Old art and WIPs because I've posted all my recent stuffs https://t.co/YY8aw0HXoK

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