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Pokemon Yellow- the first game I owned
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger- fun series (HD release when?)
Undertale - it has an amazing soundtrack and loveable characters
Kingdom Hearts - This game ignited my love for games. And it features my favorite main protagonist.
Had a hard time thinking of this one but, I think I sorted it out!
#GameStruck4 and one more, because insomnia is mean and i didn't realize there was a game one, too! This one was easier than the movies.
#GameStruck4 Fable and DoA Ultimate were two games that I was really into as a kid cause they were the only games I was actually good at. Fable and FE:A changed my views on storytelling/RPGs and influenced my writing greatly.
And of course "Who doesn't want to be Johnny Gat?"
I wanna try out this #GameStruck4 I love games that make me feel happy and adventurous . 💕 Look at all the harmonious colors~ also love low poly and pixel art.
Fun idea. What I gather this isn't a "Top 4" per-say but 4 which have most influenced you. So;
1) Oddworld AO - First Addiction
2) TES 3 - First I Sold My Soul To
3) Half-Life 2 - First Realization Games Could Be More Than Games
4) Mass Effect - First To Make Me Feel
Nominated by @MarkElDude to share my #GameStruck4. This was tough, because I've never been a big gamer, but I love the medium & the way games can pull you into a fully developed world.
-Spider-Man 2
-Mass Effect (ALL of them)
-Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Four is simply not enough. But, if I had to pick anyway, these are just some examples of what define me. #GameStruck4
#GameStruck4: at first I thought of childhood games, but games have been with me my whole life and continue to change me to this day. Pokemon when I was a kid, Ace Attorney and Okami in my teens, and Pyre as an adult. Many runner-ups, but a brief summary of my favorite games.
Shoot, #GameStruck4 is harder than expected... let's go with Spyro 3, Fable 1, Deadly Premonition, and 999.
repost because i Forgot who i was, my #GameStruck4 twilight princess is my Number One, skyrim is my video game house, beautiful katamari i revisit a lot and it Miraculously cures my depression and ffxv Gave me said depression
Games are pretty much my primary inspiration. I'd say games inspired StC more than anything else #GameStruck4