画質 高画質

this is approximately a 10 year difference with the same characters.

Keep going and next thing you know you're surpassing anything you ever imagined you'd be able to create. It's not easy, but a lot of things that are worth it aren't. It takes time.

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Anyone can draw, it doesn't matter if it takes a month or 20+ years, but you can draw anything if you put your mind to it and inspire others to draw too
We are Artist and we will not stand for others who take away our identity!
2012 2017 2018 2022

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2010 ➡️ 2022

Just takes time and practice, seeing your own improvement over the years is a really priceless feeling! We all start somewhere, and so can you!

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I want to do a proper compilation with art also from the past 15-10 years.
BUT here’s some art (only showing digital) from when I was around:
10 years old / 12 / 13-14 / and now 29-30

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I love drawing I love drawing painting creating I love making things come to life and I will never be done and that is okay because I love it!!
2015 - 2022

12 90

To develop the work I do now, it all has to start somewhere. 2018-2022. The first time I’d ever drawn Doctor Strange, and my most recent illustration of him.

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First digital art versus most recent

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2008 - 2022! when I was drawing much more at age 12 I thought back then my art would NEVER improve, ever. But It did! It did with time, I never stopped practicing and never gave up. It takes time and it shows and with time you can improve for sure.

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2015 vs 2022
There is no talent, only hard work

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