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Christopher Eccleston. John Barrowman. David Tennant. Matt Smith.

32 49

Had to wait for watercolors to dry, so I did a quick sketch of David Tennant's Epic Duckface.

1 0

Mosquitos! How can something so horrible look so beautiful. Wing, egg surface, eye, antenna.

1 2

The answer to the Daily Photo yesterday was "Now, you, just wait. I'm busy."

27 112

David Tennant Daily Photo!

Which line was The Doctor saying?

34 104

Doctor Who - The Complete David Tennant Years DVD released in UK today


53 139

flying frog has what look like wings when it's jumping on the surface of water. his antennas glow in the dark water.

1 0

David Tennant / is the topic of Harry Venning cartoon today


300 406

David Tennant’s ear.

19 34