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Preview of my piece for hosted by ! All the arts and artists are 💯👌 so stay tuned!

4 23

U know I kind of realized the guy that the girl falls in love with isn't a normal at all

7 5

Evviva i disegnini fatti in cinque minuti! 😂

0 1

Made a chibi Gateau du Roi (ガトー・デュ・ロワ) from the TMM Playstation game.

3 6

Finished making chibi's of Quiche (キッシュ), Pie (パイ) and Tart (タルト).

6 10

ECCOLA. La mia prima, vera OTP. Sono tipo nove anni che la amo. ♥

1 8

彼らはとてもかわいいです!ニャー! Kawaii desu!

1 3