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oh i have MANY feelings for pieces of media which endgames the series with a black monolith combining an astronaut and a ship ai into one ungodly amalgam to help earth for the better good from space or something (last one is from Observation)
Theros Beyond Death
Art of Magic: the Gathering
Estaba Observando las Ilustraciones de MTG Theros : Conclusión
MTG : Juega en otra liga de Ilustraciones de juegos de Cartas : Observas otros Juegos de Cartas y comparas las ilustraciones y NO HAY NADA MAS QUE DECIR ! .
The Sun holds our solar system together, and its activity influences every world & spacecraft. From the earliest recorded solar observations to the first theories of the solar wind, here's how humanity's understanding of our star has evolved: https://t.co/VUOvSOcaC9
Observations show that galaxy UGC 12591 spins at about 480 km/sec, almost twice as fast as our Milky Way, and the fastest rotation rate yet measured. The mass needed to hold together a galaxy spinning this fast is several times the mass of our galaxy https://t.co/RD6P6MMP9d
Toulouse-Lautrec spent a lot of time through the 1890s painting the prostitutes, residents and visitors of a Parisian brothel on the rue d'Ambroise. The observational paintings are intimate, warm and compassionate towards the subjects..
#art #painting #ToulouseLautrec
An old tale which is still current reality. Medusa: Victim or Monster? by Voke @VeeArt7 in collaboration with Alex Shell @alex_shell_art
Edition 1 of 1
#abstract #digital #gif #observations #portrait #women
Must've been finding the observational stuff a bit much one that day... #30mins
Dia 11: Usando Kigurimis💓
Tuve un poco mas de tiempo asi que lo hice mas elaborado, no hay mucho contexto en esto, solo que ambos se estan poniendo el..¿Gorro? de cada uno mientas se observan, a decir verdad me gusto bastante, ojala y ustedes igual.
🇺🇸 Your macro, cyber cat casually looming over the city watching everything and everyone around as they go about their business.
🇧🇷 O macro, cyber feline casualmente pairando sobre a cidade observando tudo e todos ao redo.
In observance of Presidents Day weekend, all PGCMLS libraries are closed Sunday and Monday, February 16-17.
#HappyBirthdays to #WashingtonLincoln
@ros_sauce From left to right Jade and Ruby(cant pick only one QwQ)
Jades kinda quiet and observant.They love books and making potions as well as learning new things.
Ruby is very kind to those around her and compassionate. She loves planting flowers n baking.
@StripMarvel Hola, Dani Lagi, excelente tu observación en el vídeo. Personalmente No veo a #BrieLarson como directora de #captainmarvel2 y no es por ser antifeminista, es porque es un proyecto de millones de dólares y arriesgar todo eso por improvisar la dirección, no me sale la idea.
Au menu de JUMP n°12 :
- la SUBLIME cover de Act-age
- une très belle double page couleur (les plus observateurs remarqueront que Yonagi se tient de la même façon que Kurapika)
- Un sondage de popularité entre les personnages a été lancé !
#UnDiaComoHoy pero de hace 211 años nace Charles Darwin, naturalista, biólogo y geologista inglés, uno de los científicos más influyentes gracias a su idea de la evolución biológica por selección natural. Gran viajero y observador, visitó Chile dejando un legado inmenso. 🐸📚🌿
One more Herbig-Haro object: HH 46/47, a ~3-parsec-long jet complex with multiple bow shocks about 1500 light-years away. This is a color-composite made from Hubble WFC3 observations in infrared wavelengths in March 2019 (PI Brunella Nisini)