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is the mind behind the the most dangerous shadow corporation in Kashi Town.

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1973年のこの日、#HipHop の名付け親とされるDJのアフリカ・バンバータ氏が「The Universal Zulu nation」を結成したことに因んで。

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Running some tests.... I may be making a few things move in 2018....

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A quick from last night of my dude the leader of the and his infamous ....#conceptart

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Retweet the GALAXY 2 MAZE use hashtag for chance to win our latest issue!

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Solve the GALAXY TWO Maze, send us your results for a chance to win a copy of our latest issue!

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今夜土曜日(10/28)は『Trusty』@ KITSUNE KYOTO(3F LAND)!
今夜はHalloween Week真っ只中の開催ということで仮装姿のお客さんも沢山お待ちしております〜!

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"among friends [vol 3]" drops this Sunday, 10/29!

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Used to LOVE! this show, the way to keep up with hip hop in the UK

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1500 Thanks to our 1500 followers! Thank you for helping us save our Galaxy!

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