画質 高画質

I'm 4 months late but here's our favorite principality and snekboi getting up to some fancy patter. 💖

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Silly GO swimsuit edition, because I like indulging my secret crush for the ineffable wives once in a while.

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have some lesbeans 😭😭💕💕💕💕💕

bby crowley is ecstatic HAUAHAUA

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New horror films coming to Shudder this month:📼🖤
• Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
• Color Out of Space (2019)
• The Vampire Lovers (1970) (9/1)
• Victor Crowley (2018) (9/2)
• Lost soul, the Doomed Journey (2014) (9/2)

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no les voy a mentir estoy un poquito en pedo para dibujar y pintar bien así que hice un sketchu porque tenia ganas de hacer al bb, es crowley btw

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Day 7 of

He’s having a minor freak out cause it’s Monday

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prompt 2:
Water/monstera 💧
Crowley watering their plants!

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creates adorable comics and I love them all. Chibi Aziraphale in their style is so cute and I love snek Crowley <3 Here is a chibi Aziraphale and snek Crowley in their style! Masao I always look forward to seeing your art!

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Art of Sherlock Holmes - Pat Crowley's brilliant painting sold at the exhibition but prints and collectibles are available from https://t.co/LvgIll8H43

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i want a soft angel to comfort me 😭😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Day 6 of And that’s the first week of September done! Also...follow me on @/_sab.draws_ on Instagram, it’s mostly the same stuff but hnng I need attention

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Tried to do something with coloring and it didn’t really work...but oh welll. I had fun drawing these dudes. I was really obsessed with this show when it came out last year. I want to binge it all over again lmao

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Aziraphale being a good husband and helped Crowley to tie his tie properly UwU) 💕✨(cus knowing Crowley, he would've just tie it randomly like a thot he is)

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