画質 高画質

Just now getting to scan some stuff from the last couple of weeks. Here's that Fraggle Rock final.

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Looking forward to final. Some amazing talent on show and

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I've started doing more character sheets for my characters from my intro to comics final.

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Aaaaa, I really like this new workflow! Monster design by . I hope I can do justice on final.

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While watching football mens final...
ดูบอลตอนค่ำ เขายิงเข้าตอนเราไม่อยู่ทั้ง 3 ลูกค่ะ โฮรวว

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That one was close, but still not final. I made the stars larger & was asked to tone down the rainbows

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Little cartoon scoring that banger in the FA Cup final.

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Estudio de miniatura para la pintura digital final.

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The original newton design was..cute? But not as awesome as the final.

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Lo prefiero así que como quedó al final..... cries

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y e aqui el producto final. se que me falto iluminacion en el cabello pero ya estaba canzado echo a mouse XD

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