画質 高画質

카지와라 씨의 고백―.
한바탕 태풍이 지나간 코우다 도기 공방과 란의 마음.
그것을 모르는 한 남자가 란에게 다가간다.
과연 우리 란 선생님의 마음은 어디로?!

연이은 새로운 인연의 탄생!

『그래도 남자는 믿지 않습니다』 5권

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I havent had time to do anything fancy 😭 still I wanted to do something for our captain's birthday!

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🌙I draw you with the moon that holds you, I draw you together with the dancing stars✨

Happy birthday once again Captain!🥰💖

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONGJOONG LOML ANGEL!! ❤️❤️❤️ ily so much i can’t put it into words u mean the Most to me

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happiest birthday to our best captain 🥺 words cannot describe how proud i am to be your fan 💗 thank you for everything you do and for sharing your art, passion and warmth to the world 💗 ilysm

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happy birthday captain!!
thank you for being my muse all these years <3 🏴‍☠️

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Happy birthday to HONGJOONG🎂💖🎉

홍중아 세상에 태어나줘서 고마워🫶사랑해❤️
생일 축하해요🥰

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존경스러운 우리 캡틴님 생일축하해용🏴‍☠️🎂

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