my 4 faves of 2018.... mostly chibis...who wouldve guessed lmfao

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art summary for 2018...! this year has just mostly been fandom hell and you can tell when it began.....I'm just happy i got to produce a lot of finished art this year :'D

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I’ve created this account 11 months ago in 2018...
I didn’t even know that the existed. I’m shocked to see how fast I grew and how much I’ve posted. I’m happy I became a part of the horror family. Cheers to a killer 2019 with many new films, kills, and fear! 😈🥂🎈

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so... this is my last artwork in 2018....

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last post of 2018... shiraishi!!💛💜 happy new yr!

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It was a bit hard to choose but I can say these are probably my four favorite drawings of 2018...... I'm never gonna stop using those pastels LOL!!!!!!!

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FAV 4 DRAWINGS FROM 2018......... the year i tried my best to draw backgrounds.......

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To end 2018... out with the old 🖤🧡💛

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It's eve!! Do you have any Mine every year is to keep up the work and make you guys more art. 😍 I really appreciate all of your support - my shops grew SO MUCH this year, here's to an even better 🥂
Here are my personal fave creations from 2018...

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To end the year I'll pick my own favorite waifu-fanarts from 2018... ºwº;;

Happy 2019 to everyone!! 🥂🍻🍸💥

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My last post for 2018... a super oldie but still one of my fav’s. This preying mantis was illustrated for a series of 5 handmade books as part of my Design Degree project back in the day. I still love it! Coloured pencil on paper.

Happy New Year to you all!

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Last Drawing of 2018... and Ironically the one I wanted to do the most.
A fullbody, reference for Cynthia.

2018 has been *insane*, and I hope that 2019 will let me stablish a bit more the stuff that we're all working up in the Unchained Discord!

Happy New Years people!

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the last azusa of 2018... unbelievable...

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Adiós 2018... ¡Feliz 2019! 🎉 Un personal repaso al año de Generación GHIBLI:

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What we learned in
Apparently "Cal Arts Style" just means "Not Anime"

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To the wonderful people I've met in 2018... THANK YOU! Here's to positive vibes and good fortune in 2019!

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من اعمالي لعام 2018.....#خيري_السومري

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من اعمالي لعام 2018.....#خيري_السومري

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