Passwords protect machines
Behind the make believe
Inside a secret code
Hide true identity

Living in a digital world

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The problem is plain to see
Too much technology
Machines to save our lives
Machines dehumanize

Living in a digital world
Domo Arigato
Misuta Robotto

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It was previously known that humans were consuming plastic particles through food and water
As well as just breathing it in through the air

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A Dutch study in the Journal Environment International
Tested 22 anonymous blood samples and found plastic particles in 80% of people tested
Indicating plastic particles are able to travel around the body and lodge themselves in organs

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Tiny particles of plastic have been detected in human blood for the first time

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Strange Invasion by
Russian Forces

World Security is threatened by Wars

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Hey Mister
Tell Me Some Good News
I Don't Care If You Lie
Maybe You Can Help Out This Poor Man
So Far Far From Home

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Unprecedented Destruction of Ukraine 🇺🇦
$20 Silver Dollars

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The ongoing saga of war in Ukraine
Russian Forces destroying major Ukrainian cities

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Russian Forces Destroy
Chernobyl Laboratory
Plant Laboratory

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Vladimir Putin
The Wind Cries Mary
The Russian Nuclear Threat
The Wind Cries Mary

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Recreating the infamous case of Anna Delvey
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Money Culture
Modern Greed


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Vladimir Putin
War Crimes Against Humanity

Tyranny is Tyranny

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Vladimir Putins

Punishment will come for this war

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A few of us still remember him
We remember his last words:
"Will you please forgive me"

Special thanks to the brave people of Ukraine 🇺🇦

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