Joke about how elites' faces always looked like sharks' to me, whilst the prophets' looked like overbred goldfish...

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Another commission for this time his Spartan in Halo 5 Guardians. (Although I chose to give the Mark IV its appearance from Halo Wars 2 and not Halo 5's ugh that simplified ugly look.)

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Highlights fromthe Belantsea, Hypuronector, Sthenictis, Wuehrosaurus.

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Here's a close-up photo of "Head Honcho" which shows the wonderfully thick oil paint!

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"Head Honcho" bison bull oil painting available. 30x40" with lots of thick, buttery paint creating great texture!

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Hobbies: Arts and Crafts Idea - Foam Sheet Glasses Case -

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Hobbies: Arts and Crafts Idea - Foam Sheet Glasses Case -

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5 Advantages of Using Acrylic Paint -

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