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Exhausted each day now. But still slowly making progress towards my goals.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

1 2

I finally had some time to draw.
Note1:broh Zilean was so bored I feel like he was braiding his beard to kill time.
Note2: He uses the mug I made for him last month…

1 29

We did a bit more on todays stream, only worked on it for roughly 3h.

We ended the night with raiding in to the amazing
Night night ❤️👹🏮

1 5

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi seachdain air leth math agaibh
I hope you have a great week
I hiner ye hae a stoatin week
Tá súil agam go mbeidh seachtain iontach agat

2 4

Starting the tier late due to surgery, horrible management by raid leads, being in toxic/bad groups .. I'm really not enjoying DSR and Savage raiding anymore in and it's sad.

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Unfortunately I can't last long on streams so I ended things and ended up raiding my son , who is currently doing his debut stream!

Tysm for the follows and bits 🤍🤍🤍🤍
We'll finish the Sleepy drawing next time :D

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So one of our raid members, , had an existential problem with Discord the other night during raiding. And the jokes followed suit.

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"Chill Room" owned by the user: :.:dalla-bill:.: Last Login: 17 years ago!!! i think this is my oldest find ever! 😲

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Thanks so much everyone who came to the stream! Also, big ty to (on Twitch) for the raid. We shared the love by raiding 💜❤️‍🔥🫶

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wip before raiding ⚔️

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Thank you to every who game to my 3.0 debut!! I hope you all had a good time~ Also sorry for the connection issues, I have no idea what caused them qwq

Thank you to @/TalonQueenZulia for the raid!!

We ended by raiding @/witchlilouclary

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Stream cut early because of weirdness on my Computer end. BUT thank you for raiding @/CrossroadSeraph ! Our Otsukimi Mochi Pile is growing a little bigger every day!

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Sterling: "Stop raiding my food, or you'll be lunch tomorrow!"
Mouse: "Oh, bugger off... You big fluffy doormat."

(I just finished this one because I could.
Don't come between a fluffer nuffer and their food.)

3 28

Finished three new emotes before headset and mic dies midstream. Gotta time the Headphone usage from now on.

Thanks for raiding and we raided

See you next stream and hope it wont be too scuffed! Samoye-nara! https://t.co/gXPkdsJ8eh

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Thank you for coming to today's guerilla stream! We didn't get to finish all 3, but I got to finish

Thank you as well to and for accompanying me :3 Shoutout to for raiding! We raided birthday girl after 🤍

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Stream was fun! My ADHD kicked in HARD and I went was crazy talkative 😂. Guess that’s a good thing for a just chatting stream pfft. We ended up raiding after ☺️. See you lovely nebulas on Thursday!


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