Salam pagi, hello Friday!🌼Alhamdulillah
HG30 sold to
thank you~~~😢❤️really appreciate it

0 11

Alhamdulillah.. The last WB Christmas Edition is now adopted by . Thank you for the support, bunny fam. 😍

You definitely have to check out their project. The artwork is great! 🤩✨✨

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Alhamdulillah, another one sold✨
HG28 to
Thank you sangat sangat! 🎉
Will continue with more drops tomorrow, insyaAllah
have a goodnight, salam ❤️

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Alhamdulillah bisa kuiseng baca tanpa harus buka genshin sampai hp kaya oven, thank you so much.

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Salam, good evening!
HG27 sold to
Alhamdulillah, thank you so so much! 😊✨
Gonna try drop another one later 🌼

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HG25 sold to
I can’t thank you enough (๑′ᴗ‵๑)

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Bonusan buat pelanggan karena udah nelat semingguan 😭✋
Alhamdulillah pelanggannya sabar. Hsjshsjsj

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YJBG! cw//spoiler!
alhamdulillah dapet momen

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Salam isnin! Mari kita fighting hari ni 🔥
Special thanks to Hasu/anonymous 🌼🌹🌺
HG22 sold, alhamdulillah.
Other HGs:

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Dari red flag ke red flag.

Gak deng, dulu ga pede ngewarnain skarang alhamdulillah

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Sunday hampir habis kawan2~
But hope you're still having a fun & relaxing time🌼
Just dropping by a million thanks to
HG20 is sold! Alhamdulillah❤️

But wait! There are more:

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My first Digital Artwork ~ My latest Artwork 🤭😆 Jen segan nak share sebenarnya tapi... Alhamdulillah... 😭 Tak sia2 tangisan Jen setiap malam dulu, Jen betul2 nekad nak improve~ 😭😆🙏🏻 Sorry, Jen tak ada background Art, Just to fulfill my loneliness~ Alhamdulillah... 🤍🌼☕✨

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Kmrn noona gue tersayang ultah yeay! dan gue kasih ini ke dia. Alhamdulillah dia suka. Blokiran gue udh dibuka sih ini d twt ya tp ga gue tag ya noon. Gue izin post ya noon.
Beneran deh, sayang noona banyak bnyaaaak 🥰

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Alhamdulillah rezeki masing-masing belum sampai rezeki lagi haha 😢

Apa apa pun tahniah 💪🏻🔥

Follow twitter untuk sebarang update dan tease artwork. Next batch akan diupload pada bulan 2.

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2.0 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⚡⚡

sempena reach volume 2.00
nk sell NFT ni 0.20 boleh x?

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Alhamdulillah sudah agak bagus sedikit gambar karakter hijab wkwkwkw

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Alhamdulillah! Terima kasih, kerana sudi memiliki watak The Laksamana.

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