счастливая джесси, депрессивный эдгар и псих ракти.
я поняла, что лучше мне рисовать "скетчевые" арты ахахахах

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I was supposed to post this drawing when Edgar entered it at the brawl store but I ended up forgetting it but I have to post this drawing after all it took about 9 FUCKING HOURS! and translating what is in the image: "first day at hell/work"

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I’m having fun in solo showdown atm!
“YOLO woooh!”🔥🔥🔥

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Me dió ganas de dibujar a Edgar me gustó mucho su diseño ♥️

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Decidí volver a colorear mi dibujo anterior y esta vez le puse una paleta de colores más viva.

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