Olar, eu sou o Massaru, tenho 14 anos e faço artes digitais desde janeiro de 2016 (há 3 anos).
Desenho desde que me conheço por gente, e amo o que faço.
Pretendo no futuro ser ilustrador,
caricaturista ou concept artist.

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Pues, tengo estos, mas que nada con los caricaturistas soy bueno C:

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Les comparto este trabajo que realicé acerca de los chairos y los fifís. Está en alta resolución. Lo pueden imprimir y no perderá calidad. Es de ustedes, ya no me pertenece... Así nos ganamos la vida los caricaturistas, de a grapa.

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Hi artists ✏️🎨

I'm an illustrator, caricaturist, animator and recently began to start creating comic strips that I've also animated too and I'm absolutely loving it!

🔹 Portfolio: https://t.co/Il5HFplvs1
🔹 Instagram: https://t.co/CWX1WXdFzY

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Mi padre, Ugo Ramallo, excelente ilustrador y caricaturista, está buscando trabajos freelance que le permitan quedarse a vivir en Uruguay ¿Me ayudan con un RT? Gracias a todos!

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A that I did a few years ago when I was hired at a at a theme park that will remain nameless😅, looking through my old this one is still pretty cute.

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✏ Voici venue l'heure de notre rendez-vous hebdomadaire avec les caricaturistes ! analyse le dessin de (), en partenariat avec


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Two drawings from my sketch book back In The days when I was part of a sketch comedy troupe, Loud Blouse. This was our publicist Judy Jacksina. She was Tommy Tunes PR person at one time. What a character Judy was!

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Mullet Boy, Bidness in the front Potty in the back. Study of The Don for a hot deadline. Its cool as a caricaturist to never coast and do a template take on a subject Always something new to discover if we press in hard to see the subject and look beyond what we think we know

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➡️La bibliothèque de l'ancienne université de Cambridge, 1800.
Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827) illustrateur, caricaturiste anglais.
➡️La bibliothèque de prêt, 1800-1801.
Isaac Cruikshank (1764-1811) peintre, caricaturiste écossais. Satires politiques et sociales.

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