画質 高画質

The hosts reminisce about Koshimizu's many appearances at Fes, and talk about the legendary Perfume Sniffing Game at Fes 2018. She remembers sniffing M・A・O, Tachibana Rika, and Imai Asami, and it struck her that Imai was proud to be sniffed instead of bashful like the others.

100 221

I am the number one chiba fan😋😋😋😋🫶🫶🫶💙😘😘🥰💙💙💙💙💙

0 1

Chizuru Tachibana & Kana Kojima

Anime: Why The Hell Are You Here Teacher

70 378

Appreciation for Sky Angels, published May 27th, 1984. Authored by Masahiro Chiba himself, writer of all the official Macross technical trivia. The best technical book of the VF-1 Valkyrie and possibly all Macross
Art by Shoji Kawamori / Satelight. All non-CGI colors by me

9 66

Bonsoir à tous,

Aujourd'hui, l'Oiseau de Paradis framboise de la 8ème division, disponible sur Redbubble ici: https://t.co/eDHinMffKj

0 1


3 34

うる星やつら キーホルダー アクリルスタンド A 高橋留美子 インロック アクリルチャーム アニメ キャラクターグッズ メール便可 シネマコレクション プレゼント 男の子 女の子 ギフトバレンタイン [楽天] https://t.co/KqB9u6dkJb

0 2

It is Otsuki Chiba and his personality behind it is a mystery that only Kokoshibe knows 🤔♥#naruto

2 8

Ichiban Kasuga is enjoying a Coffee Crisp bar!

0 1

he got tired after the festivities

miscellaneous thoughts: that blanket belonged to his daughter. behind the camera is either majima or tachibana, viewer’s choice

happy year of the rabbit 🐰 给大家祝个兔年吉祥!

120 327



【Vocachiba Night】1/21(Sat)22時~

<Guest DJs>
▶️ど〜ぱみん 様
▶️picco 様
▶️前線 様
▶️ミカゼ 様


10 16

作者 : 金城宗幸 ノ村優介
出版社 : 講談社 [1月下旬より発送予定][新品]ブルーロック (1-22巻 最新刊) 全巻セット [入荷予約] [楽天] https://t.co/Fotbr2sdrZ

0 0

Kanako Tachibana ❤️

290 4719


【Vocachiba Night】1/21(Sat)22時~

<Guest DJs>


2 9

Ichiban Kasuga (謹賀新年!)

2 7

This is a drawing I made to accompany chapter 8 of my sister 's fanfiction "You Make Everything Okay".

You can read it here: https://t.co/55yl9PBYj2

8 16



【Vocachiba Night】1/21(Sat)22時~

次回の は初ナイトイベ🤩🌙

<Guest DJs>
▶️ど〜ぱみん 様
▶️picco 様
▶️前線 様
▶️ミカゼ 様


25 46