A full hour of DnD News with starts now on https://t.co/2KBortFoc5
We're time traveling with Greg through the last week of streams with the new weekly segment:

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中国で世界初の嫁型ロボットを開発 専門家は「人間社会の破壊」と危惧 https://t.co/HWxpopn849

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Hoje todos fomos pegos de surpresa com a morte do , que não somente fez seu lugar no jornalismo, mas como voz do âncora Boi chá em Zootopia.
Minha homenagem e condolências a parentes e amigos.

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演じる征陸智己が主演になる「PSYCHO-PASS case2」の公開が来週2月15日と目前なのに…

声優・有本欽隆さんが死去 ワンピースでは白ひげの声務める https://t.co/0ESbMfQPsE

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Are you a fan? Check my of their based on the tv series which includes bonus scenes not in the show. https://t.co/JkPXJC9wls

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Between series, and other happenings, Emily, Lindsay, and Elisabeth do their best to cover what’s going down in 2019 with their segment! https://t.co/2uHdKDyvDR

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Rachel Mullins covered the latest on and on last week's Join her tonight for a brand new show at 10:30pm CT! https://t.co/VPrxKNGE6i

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冬の定番だけど…「男性ウケがイマイチ」なファッションアイテム4選 https://t.co/r5ZTB2rGp2

1. ムートンブーツ

2. レオパード柄

3. ロシアン帽

4. デニールの薄いタイツ

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渋谷駅年越しはハチ公口を閉鎖 31日23時~1日の0時20分ごろまで https://t.co/UuP6N0NEcF

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士気が高まる ほら貝を吹いているように見えるペットボトルケースが登場 https://t.co/0xFcarntfw

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Esta es la imagen de un huracán gigante en el polo norte de Saturno, tomada desde la sonda Cassini-Huygens. El ojo de este huracán cósmico es 20 veces mayor que el ojo promedio de los de la Tierra, y su velocidad podría alcanzar los 32 millones de km/h.

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I had to do a bit of research on the new movie coming out, so here’s what you need to know! Warning, I got a little sassy... what do you think about Aquaman? https://t.co/x0NNG6487S

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Seek joy, reach for goodness, and take time to be grateful. Grace, art print from Steve Henderson Collections -- https://t.co/D9NtKXepaQ

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With being tomorrow, I am going to do something a little different and give you all a fun post of my favorite Thanksgiving themed Share your favorites in the comments. https://t.co/DRZ5sjl56h

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