渋谷駅年越しはハチ公口を閉鎖 31日23時~1日の0時20分ごろまで https://t.co/UuP6N0NEcF

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士気が高まる ほら貝を吹いているように見えるペットボトルケースが登場 https://t.co/0xFcarntfw

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Esta es la imagen de un huracán gigante en el polo norte de Saturno, tomada desde la sonda Cassini-Huygens. El ojo de este huracán cósmico es 20 veces mayor que el ojo promedio de los de la Tierra, y su velocidad podría alcanzar los 32 millones de km/h.

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Seek joy, reach for goodness, and take time to be grateful. Grace, art print from Steve Henderson Collections -- https://t.co/D9NtKXepaQ

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声優の後藤哲夫さん死去 「ワンピース」ハンニャバル役など https://t.co/6GgCdcvfee

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Emily, Elisabeth, and Lindsay dive into the whole world of Sherlock Holmes. Plus another segment of Nerd News! https://t.co/9LUdkpqqsK

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昼間に太陽が3時間「消滅」して夜に シベリアで怪奇現象が発生 https://t.co/T9wc1nnpax

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Would you hang this woodblock print in your office? Two characters from did.

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Yup’ik mask that once belonged to André Breton, from Goodnews Bay, Alaska

The perfect oval of its face surrounded by eight feathers.
Breton believed in the superiority of animals and “invisible beings,” such as spirits, and in the power of objects over humans.

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p.s. my coworkers are not active on Twitter, but Andy and Nick are so crazy talented and I'm gonna give them a shout out anyway. Here are some of their awesome MedNews figures:

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