Hikari is my newest girl. She rocks the frills.
【Invite ID】519813354161

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Kimi is now official, Aoi is still an OC tho <3

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Going to give her any and all light blue/pink hued hairs to match the gorgeous new one \o/ also changed her ears <3

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Rara sometimes misses going to the flower gardens with pretty girls. ⚘🥀
【Invite ID】519813354161

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I love this MR. 💕🥭🍐🍏🍊
【Invite ID】519813354161

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Whale, we made it to the Final Fever of the Sea Animal Event! You otter be proud of yourselves! Hm? You're excited to be done with the fish puns? Blimey, mates, I'm sorry. They were really bloomin' kraken me up.

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💙💜💛 Ragtag!!! I love all your recs!!😭😭💕💕💕

【Invite ID】802740860786

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💝💚🖤Beautiful recs! Thank u flipmo (っ´ω`c)♡

【Invite ID】056085602529

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Here's my event inspired outfits! I'm the most happy from Alice's one because I have hard time using that bg and this time I think it looks good.

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