Special illustration for the manga by Shinichi Fukuda, "Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (My Dress-Up Darling)", celebrating surpassing 7 million copies in circulation and promoting the Vol.10 compilation of the series.

5 24

What should she wear? Cosplay poll will be in the comments. Please vote

10 77

New merchandise from are now available at the café!

🔗 E-store:
⚠ You may walk-in to the cafe to purchase merchandise.

See you!

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My Dress-Up Darling Chapter 81 Colour Page

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Kitagawa Marin from My Dress-Up Darling ✨
I love her lol

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Special illustration for the manga written and illustrated by Shinichi Fukuda, "Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (My Dress-Up Darling)", included in the recent edition of Young Gangan magazine.

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I binged all of My Dress Up Darling yesterday doodled a quick Kitagawa.

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