Peni Parker y SP//dr (E-14512). Año 3145. Su padre utilizaba un robot para luchar contra el crimen, pero muerió y Peni tomó el manto. Para eso, se dejó morder por una araña radioactiva, con quien tiene un enlace psíquico. Su estética es claramente la del anime. Muy Evangelion.

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Another Thicc Reimagining of a Classic Anime Waifu. Misato from Evangelion. Thanks to for the inspiration to do this one.

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¡Ha tardado, pero por fin está aquí! Cerramos la traducción y el análisis del borrador del episodio 24 de
Resulta que Adán y Lilith eran muy diferentes en esta versión... por no decir que Lilith ni existía.

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Eight years later and I still have VERY mixed feelings for You Can (Not) Redo. It's barely functional on its own and just way, WAY too cryptic in conveying its story, even more so than The End of Evangelion.

But man, I really love its desolate and melancholic mood.

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In KOF Maximum Impact 2, one of Leona's alternative costumes is very similar to Asuka Langley from the anime Evangelion.

I can imagine Leona piloting an EVA 😆

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Asuka Langley Soryu, from Evangelion. The world’s saddest children.

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Estamos en una situación un poco Evangelion. Solo que Shinji en vez de pilotar un EVA repone papel higiénico en Mercadona.

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You guys I just discovered this sweet new show on Netflix called Neon Genesis Evangelion.
It’s a take off of Pacific Rim, but with a retro vibe. Very cool.
Also listening to this band “Nirvana,” you probably haven’t heard of them yet but trust me they’re gonna be huge.

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Grazie !!!

Ci ho messo un po' a decidere perchè ho avuto un vuoto, ma alla fine sono andata di anime e ho scelto:

-Shinji e Kaworu da Evangelion.

-Homura e Madoka da Madoka Magica.



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Inspired by my recent rewatch of Also (obviously) it’s my profile pic. Depression and giant mechs are fun!

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The debate I had with sparked a thought about poorly written women.
→Misa Amane: thot with a genius boyfriend
→Harley Quinn
My awakening to feminism was originally through Evangelion. Asuka's disgust towards Shinji's objectification of her was eye-opening to me.

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Priscilla Asagiri aka PRISS from “Bubblegum Crisis.” Pretty sure my crush on Priss was just the precursor to my love of Asuka of Evangelion.

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We have officially exhausted my archive of ANIMA art. I'm sure there's more out there, but that's all we have for now. Starting tomorrow, we'll go through the Groundwork of Evangelion.

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Today's Warm Up of Rei from Evangelion. On to commissions!

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Been working on this here and there... Misato from Neon Genesis Evangelion. She's challenging due to the style differences across episodes. Still very WIP. I want to see if I can recreate that 90s anime look (and 80s in the future)!

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I remember seeing Pacific Rim and lots of people saying it was a ripoff of the anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'd didn't see any influence from Eva, but it did amuse me that the Japanese dub of the film had Megumi Hayashibara (the voice of Rei from Eva) voice Mako.

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I drew Asuka questioning her Tang because I finished watching Neon Genesis Evangelion and the End of Evangelion.

I also created a Newground account, since I created an arrangement of a track from the End of Evangelion:

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Padoru commission for .

Misato Katsuragi,
Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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