If Garchomp was a Fairy Type!
Garidescento, the shining tooth Pokemon. Dragon/Fairy type.

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I love Kommo-O, Garchomp, Dragonite and Metagross

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more of my pmd oc, Zharp/Zhark. another old sketch and old character I wanted to rework. this piece is a blast from the past in all sorts of ways; colored this like my first flamedramon drawing too.

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Cynthia being implied to be a Dragon Master is pretty based

Her Garchomps SO STRONG that the fact that she was able to train it to that level means she is worthy of the title

Not an exaggeration to say that it’s the strongest non-legendary Dragon-Type in the world 🔥

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Hola gente hoy ando haciendo un proyecto basado en pokemon xd
Y pos quise mostrarles los protagonistas de esta wea :D

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Alright then, if you insist! >:P

Here's mine, goes by the name of Slash >.> and here's his Garchomp look (concept right now so is mainly Gabite atm)

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Zy'Skayr is a ben 10 reference. Its ghostfreaks actual name, both are ghost essentislly locked away, it fits

Garchomp is a dragon so im just naming him after aldred dragalia cuz i think it fits

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"How about Garchomp being blow/puff up by someone of your choice?"

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Garchomp maybe cuz it’s barley noticeable.

Or Groudon cuz it literally don’t match. Tho the primal reversion shiny is nice https://t.co/gxS98RnNbc

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If I had to guess, that's probably due to Pokemon Masters giving each protag one of the starters.

Might also be why Emolga is given to Elesa's BW look specifically. (N is an exception because Zorua is just that important to him; Cynthia w/ Garchomp means not all are small mons)

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Obvious choices like Garchomp and Gengar, but no one talks about Shiny Basculin more

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For this week's Pokemon Trainer Card, we have the lovely Sinnoh Champion Cynthia and Garchomp!

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Thank you for suggesting Garchomp!
Here is a Fast Food Garchomp!

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My edgy Garchomp for great job as always everybody! ✨☄️🦈☄️✨

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Después de 6 meses sin dibujar NADA por los estudios y el trabajo, al final ya vuelvo a tener tiempo, he perdido algo de practica después de tanto tiempo, espero recuperarla lo antes posible :)

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Venusaur, Tyranitar, Blaziken and a Garchomp

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I do both photobashing and hand painted textures. Garchomp and T. rex are 100% hand painted, Tyrantrum and Godzilla are photobashed. I like having the flexibility to use both skillsets to fit the look and vibe of each project.

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