Hayase Nagaroto is from the manga "Please don't bully me Nagaroto" by Nanashi(774 house).

Hayase Nagaroto é do mangá "Please don't bully me Nagaroto" desenhado e escrito por Nanashi(774 house).

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@ NarumiHayase

・12/7(土) 20時〜
@ futabashione

・12/21(土) 時間場所未定
@ denpachannel


77 149

らんねーちゃんの 放送で紹介してもらった~👊
Hayase Mansionのロゴは、それっぽくするの苦労したので褒めてもらって嬉しかったですねぇ。ルイージマンション「やるしかない」らしいので楽しみにします🙏

0 13

チャンネル登録1000人で live2dぬるっと動くの解禁(❁∩´ω`)⊃━☆゜.*・。

それまで立ち絵で良ければ コラボで呼んでくれるVtuberさん募集中です!へるぷみー!

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from transformed and corrupted by Rock of Succubus spell

5 38

Happy birthday to Mitsuki Hayase, the prettiest and strongest third wheel of them all!

20 67

❤My Sweet Bodyguard❤
First Love Again: Hayase Epilogue - Out Now!

When you open your eyes the next morning... a shocking discovery awaits you...?!

▼Love 365: Find your Story
【Apple Store / Google Play】https://t.co/rtCZIDECQO
【Amazon Store】https://t.co/R3ltvpMo5S

0 30

Alternative: Strike Frontier Art Day 111: Mitsuki Hayase 速瀬 水月

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Alternative: Strike Frontier Art Day 96: Mitsuki Hayase "One Day, Summer Will End" 速瀬 水月【いつか終わる夏】

6 29

Alternative: Strike Frontier Art Day 81: Mitsuki Hayase "Taking Control" 速瀬 水月【機先を制する】

9 30

Alternative: Strike Frontier Art Day 23: Mitsuki Hayase "Resting at Dusk" 速瀬 水月 【夕暮れの安息】#マブラヴSF

18 38

Alternative: Strike Frontier Art Day 3-2: Mitsuki Hayase "Courage to the Place of Death" 速瀬 水月【死地に向かう勇気】

12 25

Only, let me rest just a bit…


Ok Tsurune, did you want me to melt. You did it. Hope you’re happy now.

2 11

Quand une amie d'école déménage, c'est souvent un déchirement. Mais qu'advient-il quand une fille enchaîne école sur école: Futari https://t.co/fnWXbf6dK9

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Takehaya Seiya from Tsurune (he looks like Masa-san but it be like that). Its been 4 months since I drew something, I finally can stress things other than my digital drawing.

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Misa Hayase from Macross illustrated by Haruhiko Mikimoto (Cellu Works, 1991) https://t.co/eYn9uFYl61 / https://t.co/bXtyikhBBA

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