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Happy birthday to Hondo Kaede, the voice of Shibuya Aoi in the upcoming #DigimonSurvive!
#Digimon #デジモン
PS Vita
Plague Road
Blue Rider
Ghost Blade HD
Plague Road
Rym 9000
Shadow of Loot Box
Shikhondo - 食魂徒
Ueno regresa en un segundo tomo de lo más cachondo de la mano de @ed_babylon , y te lo contamos en nuestra reseña.
¡Risas aseguradas!
La review 👉 https://t.co/NbGxKlyIdI
Abiertas las reservas de la resina de A-17 y A-18 de Transcendent Studio.
▪️Medidas: 53 cm de alto x 45 cm de ancho x 39 cm de hondo
▪️ Precio: Entre 232€ a 580€ (precio pendiente de los detalles finales) + Envío.
▪️ Disponen de 2 bustos intercambiables cada androide.
ID:Invaded fanart~
I like this series soo much ;-;
#idinvaded @idinvadedanim #sakaido #hondomachi #fukuda
Hondomachi - commission
well for give to you all a good night another commisison to end the day :P a cute sleepy girl :) i hope all of you like it.
#IDINVADED #Hondomachi #nsfw #anime #animeart #ecchi #cute #illustration
Lo que no digo.
Lo que descubro.
Lo que siento, intuyo, percibo.
Lo que sueño y anhelo.
Lo más hondo de mi corazón.
Hoy voy a hacer(te) visible, lo invisible.
pobre luzu no le dijeron que juntarse con el par de furros cachondos de karmaland no terminaría bien
ni sé qué tag ponerle al vegettaxluzuxrubius JJDSAF
@deOzAlice @MomiraMonika @lucekerien @carolinasanter1 @ImSophiaPLMS @giusyoni @beigua1962 @RosamariaNoia @eurios @pixiedixi @tizianacampodon @ValerioLivia @KglLaura @ghegola @isidemoni @AlessandraDVita @2013_therese @v_diocesano @emicuratolo @FrankCapitone @antojackie @saravastiares @vighicarlo @lili_gia @RossanaNapoleon @ZaraTwain @KEileenGray @francesca_petri @nawal1475 @aleph54 @mirianagrassi1 @Rui_Cavaleiro_ @DemoFranca El más hondo,terrible misterio del hombre y de la humanidad que contiene El Quijote: la belleza suprema del hombre,su pureza,su castidad,su lealtad,su valor y su talento… consúmense tantas veces,por desgracia,sin reportar a la humanidad provecho alguno
Dostoievski #any20/40
🧩ID: Invaded
▶️ Episode 7 : https://t.co/B1ht9gBvKd
Inami becomes acquainted with the other prisoners in the Kura. As the Wellside focuses all its attention on investigating John Walker, Hondomachi's skills are put to the test.
#idinvaded #イド
🧩ID: Invaded
▶️ Episode 6 : https://t.co/Mi4gcS3aci
Hondomachi plays a major role in the Gravedigger case. After losing so many officers, the Kura and the Wellside search for ways to track down John Walker.
#idinvaded #イド
Japanese Marten
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Martes melampus
Distribution: Japan
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: ホンドテン
Romanised Name: Hondoten
So this was a super overdue collab with 22mg. After x years we finally managed to finish it up. So here it is, some fan art of Houndoom and Houndour! #pokemon #hondour #hondoom #fanart #PokemonGo
🧩ID: Invaded
▶️ Episode 5 : https://t.co/gi958wsqMh
Hondomachi leaves her interaction with missing Perforator victim Haruka Kazuta in a state of confusion. However, Hondomachi's insight leads to a stunning breakthrough in another open case.
#idinvaded #イド
@naboostars all of the Star Wars rebel crew are Latino, Latina influenced. and Clone Wars had heavy Latina, Sabine, Ezra
Hondo has a heavy Spanish accent. A benefit of having so many Latinos, Latinas working at Lucasfilm