Hy Jazza :D I just saw your stream and i was working on a portfolio peace. You realy helped me focus

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Hark! Breeders! 's Jazzamatazz is hitting weekends in Sept! http://t.co/qkzK7Iwna2

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9/29福島県伊達市梁川のJazzAniバー「Whetstone」さん主催の「Kawaii Fes(可愛いフェス)」に、私もお邪魔させて頂く予定です。参加者の皆様の「前向きに進むための原動力の一つ」になればと、心から願っております。

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Was finally able to do something cool with armor after watching the Let's Draw Armor by Jazza!

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Just did this with the help from the Drawing With Jazza Photoshop tuts!

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