//=time() ?>
Try to add light effect 🤔 lumayan juga tpi kayaknya harus lebih diasah perhalusannya
WINNER forever
#김진우싸랑해_기다리겠뜸 #JinuCallUsAnytime
#WINNERfanart #fanartbyHapigon
อากาศร้อนๆแบบนี้ แถมอดเล่นน้ำสงกรานต์อีก...
สบายใจค่ะ~! ❤ (>w<)
Illust by : Lusan666 Studio
#อินซอรอเก่งนะคิมจินอู #JinuCallUsAnytime
Take care and come back to us happy and safe 💙💙 Serve well our #JINWOO 💙💙 #JinuCallUsAnytime #김진우싸랑해_기다리겠뜸 #WINNER
kami IC, akan menjaga adik² winner mu, sebagai gantinya tolong jaga dirimu 💙
나는 진우가 <흔들리는 촛불이 아닌 굳은 심지같은 마음>을 지녀서 너무 좋아🌼
잠깐의 이별이지만 우리 더 단단해져서 만나자 늘 진우편에서 응원하고 기다릴게
몸 조심히 잘 다녀와 싸랑해💙
Take care of yourself. We are proud of you. See you again and we always wait for you 🐰
#위너 #winner #winnercity #jinu #kimjinwoo #winnerjinwoo #YG #artforwinner #winnerfanart #fanartbyoxsvianawinart
Healthiest hair in kpop.
The rumors said his hair was softer than baby bird's bird feathers.
우리는 늘 이 자리에서 기다릴게
2022년 1월 1일 선물같이 돌아와줘
행복하고 멋진 모습으로 다시 만나자
영원히 사랑해💙
🎀To. @official_jinu_ ✨
Our golden boy, Jinwoo. Through the years you've been a light and inspiration to many and I know you will continue to be one as you serve your countrymen. Be safe and healthy! We will just be here waiting for you. 잘 다녀와!🧡#JinuCallUsAnytime
I know is gonna be a hard time without you, but it really won’t take long. For now, stay health and don’t be hard on yourself.
♡ I’ll keep my love and give all to you when you comeback! 📜
A quick-ish (10 hours) Achilles, because painting PQ counts as therapy xD #philipquast #achilles #thersc #troilusandcressida #shakespeare
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin..
#TroilusandCressida #ShakespeareSunday
Ketulusan apa lagi yang kaw pinta...
Traca final
Los tres modelos nuevos de #BokuNoHeroAcademia que tendré también en la #japanweekend
Pasad buena noche! Mañana nos vemos!😃
#fanart #stickers #MyHeroAcadamia #lusaneartisan
Siguiendo con los nuevos diseños y antes de ir a montaje, #goku estará también en la #japanweekend, montado en su nube kinto
#db #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper #DragonBallSuper #sticker #fanart #chibi #lusaneartisan