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Few days left!
All Phoenix games 60% off on #HumbleStore End of Summer Sale 🍍🍉🕶️
Supreme League of Patriots, The Last Door, Cognition, Moebius, Gabriel Knight Anniversary Edition and much more https://t.co/RssCaHvZl7 #gamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indiegamedev
God fucking dammit son of a bitch!!! WHY....JUST FUCKING WHY!??
Why can't my Bills get a god damn break!?. Fuck the Patriots. https://t.co/t50kmFQM6A
Antonio Brown pulling up to Gillette Stadium like...
> Gabriel Knight Anniversary Edition + Soundtrack
> Supreme League of Patriots + Soundtrack
> The Last Door + Soundtrack
> Cognition + Soundtrack
And much more 60% off!
Humble Store End of Summer Sale🍍🍉🕶️
https://t.co/8jL4SwiqKt #indiedev #IndieGameDev #indiegames #humblestore
Uploaded a bunch of new shirt designs representing the best in #bostonsports #celtics #bruins #redsox #newenglandpatriots #boston
It is #HumbleStore End of Summer Sale 🍍🍉🕶️ And that means all Phoenix games 60% off via @humble!
Supreme League of Patriots, The Last Door, Gabriel Knight Anniversary Edition and much more https://t.co/RssCaHvZl7 #gamedev #indiedev #indiegame #indiegames
Mii and Ougi get two new compatriots in their Deity!AU: meet Taro and Iggy
Ignatius is a necrotic sorcerer/warlock faerie while his big bf, Taro and @WitherRels' boi, is an ancient Eldritch monster that's been sealed for many centuries, confused for being a deity...
Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n996 (July 24, 2019)
Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for their country.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Has Man a Future? 1962, chap. 7: Why world government is disliked.
Metal Gear Solid4 GUNS OF THE PATRIOTSより
Doing what I do everyday; traveling through parallel universes and wreaking havoc.
HIRO, you're next. Prepare for battle.
HIRO: Blood of Patriots by @MachoDano and @muttman75 is in demand on Indiegogo.
@akeladog @tommy20700060 @Nuts_and_Boltz @ShutUpTiff @ReaganLincoln08 @vaginacartel @mikefranleo @caseyreuter @vinelodge @kaaelien @woodwardtrader @brookevitti @mattdelong90 @i_p_a_1 @AOC @Movado true patriotswork to improve the U.S. government, not destroy it....Robert Reich
My next comic book adventure will be in HIRO: Blood of Patriots by @MachoDano and @muttman75 .
You can join me. Get dealt a brutal death by HIRO himself.
It's 11 years since Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was released!
Day 4 /Winter/ Meryl on a mission ❗❄️ #WomenOfMetalGear #mgs #MGS4
Here we go, it took ALL DAY but here's the ENG and Italian subs for the parody. I think my compatriots will especially appreciate, cause I made sure that all puns make sense translated! If u wanna translate in your language, community contributions are now on, thank u 4 the help!
Anyone can be a #superhero. This guy in #Birmingham went to #feedthehomeless.I know it's not a children's illustration but may be children's #inspiration.
#kidlit #Superheroes #spiderMan #illustration #homelesspatriots #lovingkindness
It's #PayDay y'all! And HIRO: Blood of Patriots has perks to fit any budget. We only need $376 to get fully funded and #MakeThisComic! We can do that Today! Please support + share! #patrioticstories #americanhero #MemorialDay2019 #funcomics https://t.co/OFZxYpURjA
We're delighted to see that Ragnarok, Rebels and Patriots, Wildlands: The Adventuring Party, and the Frostgrave: Wizards plastic boxed set have all been shortlisted for awards at @UKGamesExpo! https://t.co/wlAYuY3s10