Hippolyte Jean Flandrin, René-Charles Dassy and His Brother Jean-Baptiste-Claude-Amédé Dassy, 1850 https://t.co/2ysMJ75Y3S

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Eugène Delacroix, Hamlet and Horatio Before the Grave Diggers, 1843 https://t.co/ibB89Z9da7

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Luca Giordano, The Discovery of the Body of Holofernes, 1703–4 https://t.co/WIryaUKagw

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Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Christ Shown to the People (Ecce Homo), c.1570–76 https://t.co/8HF89MeA3b

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Adolphe Monticelli, The Kitchen of the Rôtisserie des Deux Paons, c. 1875-1881 https://t.co/Ub2HqEHnH5

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Noël Nicolas Coypel, The Miracles of Saint James the Greater, 1726 https://t.co/ikLENDTkV4

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El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos), St. Paul, 1598–1600 https://t.co/FlC80rg4PD

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