Nouveau Shape Challenge sur le compte de et voici que mon bestiaire s’agrandit avec la capture d'une nouvelle créature !!

1 3

Moin moin 💞 and hallo 💞 for the on Wednesday
Today I have a precious pearl for you 🌈 💞 Have all a nice evening

2 5

Wednesday's ... is, all together now....
Grease is the word
It's got groove, it's got meaning
Grease is the time, is the place, is the motion
Grease is the way we are feeling

2 19

Not easy to tie a ponytail with this long hair...
My very first attempt for the Tuesday

2 12

A classic postie being chased by a dog for today’s

1 16

All shipshape from this swashbuckling duo. Wednesday’s

4 13

Here's my "salty seadog sea shanty submission"...a bit of a tongue twister there....

2 16

In todays with
I saw Admiral Ackbar as a Jedi Knight

6 28