“Babe, don’t you want us?”

Horcrux x Harry Potter
Happy Halloween for you chumps~

19 83

Pocket hawwy gives Tom a kiss 😚!!

thank you to for commissioning me I had so much fun 🥺🥺🥺

34 134

Week 30 : COFFEE

Another version of ‘Coffee or Tea’

11 11

"ก็นั่นไง คนที่ทำสายตาหวงของมาตั้งแต่เมื่อกี้นี้น่ะ"

371 456

Done for big bang on tumblr :)

1 14

The Riddle Senior hires hawwy as house help and toms a horny little shit au

11 95

My 3rd chapter cover for the 2020 tomarry big bang which is also accompanied by Duplicity's lovely fic!

4 67

“Tom! You’re— you’re a boy!”
Entry for
Been a while since i draw ma boiss but i enjoy them very much. Remain anonymous so i'll post the link for the fic companion after masterpost release

16 117