gonna give art stream another go when schools and artblock is over
but for now I share the 2 studies I finished up yesterday, go check out @/DJAmamiya's wafflehouse collab today happening in a few hours!

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Character:Amamiya Kokoro

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Character design/looks probably peaked with Joker aka Akira Kurusu aka Ren Amamiya from Persona 5

(Idk if he has my fav character design in fiction i never really figured out a favorite in that but hes surely somewhere up there)

3 11

иногда я чувствую острую необходимость перенести моих фавов в хогвартс

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fight! fight! fight!

torn btwn wanting them to get along and be the ultimate duo, but then wouldnt it be funny if they couldnt stand each others nerves and begrudgingly admits they make a good team

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Another finished 🧸!!

It´s turn for my first portraying Hibiya Amamiya from Wannyanpu´s "Otsukimi recital" Vocaloid from series 🎙️🎶

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💭🎙️ Petit Casting Perso pour les Seiyuu de Taiki & Chinatsu :

- Shun Horie : Seiyuu de Asta ( Black Clover ) et Kazuya ( Rent A Girlfriend )

- Amamiya Sora : Seiyuu de Akame ( Akame ga Kill! ) Ban ( Seven Deadly Sins ) et Chizuru ( Rent A Girlfriend )

3 22

5/22(日)に開催されます にて、GR WING&L WING楽曲のイメージカクテルレシピ本「虹の音、グラスに込めて 」を頒布いたします。
私mirrorと、Shugo Amamiya( )さんがシャイニーカラーズ全7ユニットの楽曲を各1つずつ担当し、全14レシピを収録しております!

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Son beau minois, son charisme et son histoire ont fait de lui une véritable icone vidéoludique. Le héros de P5, aka Joker, Ren Amamiya ou Akira Kurusu, a été désigné Meilleur protagoniste de la saga par vos soins !

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Character:Amamiya Kokoro

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雨宮天 Sora Amamiya artist official

声優・アーティストである雨宮天(あまみや・そら)の公式アカウント。スタッフがメインですが、たまに本人も(雨宮)をつけてつぶやきます。 https://t.co/VIeLcTSxvY

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Good afternoon!
Have some Yuki Amamiya today!
Will be starting on a new piece today, so look forward to it! :D

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