like hello best animation........

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Thanks for the opportunity! I'm Star and I draw OC and fanart, currently taking a gander at animation...

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Bonjour! Je me présente, Safaia, et j'étudie le dessin afin de peut-être avoir la chance de travailler dans le domaine du jeu vidéo/animation...!
J'aime le painting ainsi que le dessin avec du Line, n'hésitez pas à interagir ou me suivre, de plus mes commandes sont open ! 😇😇

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Here's a tribute to Kyoto Animation...
Thank you for all the wonderful works you brought to life! My thoughts go to the victims and their families.

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for Leo’s bday I was planning to make a small animation... buT I cant motivate myself to finish it even tho I love him😭 here are picnic Leo heads

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I'm a small artist, trying to step into the industry of animation....
Doing illustration too

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Since we are a game about an animation, we wanted to say that we are heartbroken about the tragedy at Kyoto Animation... Thank you for your amazing anime over the years, you are in our prayers.

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I'm almost done with this walk animation... still missing some details... (I have to fix this hair bounce ><)

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I heard about what happened to Kyoto Animation...

Those 33 people that died shall rest in peace..

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Choqué par l'incendie criminel à Kyoto Animation...La folie frappe partout...
Produits là bas le magnifique Violet Evergarden, et pleins de pépites que je voulais absolument voir comme Silent voice, Hyouka, Nichijou, Free et j'en passe. Dramatique 😩 

3 11

Words can’t express the sadness + feelings from today.

I currently reside in Kyoto, as a way to be a little closer to the company which showed passion + love in their animation... I owe so much to them.
I love you KyoAni. Please stay strong.

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C'est vraiment horrible pour le monde de l'animation...
Je suis tellement triste et dégoûté 😔
Une pensée aux victimes et à leurs familles 🙏

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Some mooncake pixel animation..first time trying some animation.

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Gonna see if I can get this set up for animation...

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Appreciate the power of animation....just animation....nothing more......

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For a look at how the Engineer's "Searing Strike" ability in Steamhounds evolved from concept sketch to final animation...


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Finally working on the "Please Sally" video... currently occupied with animation... real slow, but it'll be rewarding... better be after 2 days of -- not bitter. Did this to myself...

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Closeup of their faces(no background) so you can see my masochist tendencies. I see manyMANY mistakes but their smiles make me happy. I should have added one more frame (eh animation... you always feel like you need just 1 more frame) to smooth out the ending but it was 4 am XD;;

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