Vigée Le Brun died in Paris, aged 86. Her ravishing work is her epitaph & demonstration of her determination to paint no matter what challenges were thrown at her. Madame Baudin (1835), A Lady (1831) & Aglaé Angélique Gabrielle de Gramont (1824)

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Austria (1792-5) saw Le Brun move to a more neoclassical style, reflecting the rise of that school & the revolution in France. Marguerite Porporati (1792), Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland (1791) & Countess Kaganeck (1792). Her painting of Porporati is a masterpiece

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Today's Vigée Le Brun portrait is of Maria Grigorievna Viazemskaïa, Princess Golitsyna (1798). The Princess' unhappy first marriage to Prince Golitsyn came to a dramatic end in 1802 when Count Leo Razumovsky won her in a card game, after which she promptly married him instead.

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Today's Vigée Le Brun portrait is this enchantingly spring like 1782 painting of Louis XVI's youngest sister Élisabeth, who was 18 years old at the time. Élisabeth would be guillotined in May 1794. (My biography of her is due to be published next year.)

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Ivan Brun - Illustration pour Downer Buzz, LP (Always Never Fun Records, New Zealand, 2015)

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Today's Vigée Le Brun portrait is of the fabulously wealthy Polish Countess Anna Zetzner Potocka, who was painted in Rome in 1791 when she was on the third of her four husbands.

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I'm limited by Twitter characters here so if you're interested in knowing more about each Vigée Le Brun painting that I post, I'd recommend popping over to my Facebook page, where I go into a LOT more detail!

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Today's painting by Vigée Le Brun is her 1787 portrait of Marie Antoinette and her children with her second son Louis Charles, who was born on this day in 1785, taking pride of place on the Queen's lap. The boy would succeed his father as Louis XVII in January 1793.

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Elizabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (16 April 1755 - 30 March 1842) was a French painter

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Today's painting by Vigée Le Brun is her luminously lovely portrait of Countess Ekaterina Vasilievna Skavronskaya, which she painted in 1790 in Naples, where the Countess' husband was Russian Ambassador. The gorgeous Countess was Potemkin's niece - and also mistress.

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Today's painting by Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun is this lovely portrait of her daughter Julie as the goddess Flora, which was painted in 1799 just before she defied her mother in order to marry Gaëtan Nigris, a man that Vigée Le Brun did not approve of. The marriage ended badly.

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Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (16 April 1755 – 30 March 1842) was a French painter.Anna Tolstoy

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Posters by Donald Brun (1909-1999).

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Je termine le bon livre de Pierre Serna, Comme des bêtes. Il évoque l’une des premières expositions du Louvre, autour de Le Brun, en 1797. Et ces physionomies, évocation du rapport homme/animal... gravures de 1806, trouvées sur cette fois-ci. Connu mais impressionnant!

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Queens of Persia

French video about the artist:

Magnificent French Baroque painting of the Life of Alexander by Charles le Brun, The Queens of Persia,

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Voilà 4 women artists whose work deserves recognition. They toiled in the shadow of their male contemporaries. Everybody knows Frida Kahlo, have you heard of Helen Frankenthaler, Artemisia Gentileschi, Berthe Morisot & Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun?

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At 15 Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun was painting the aristocracy, in her 20s she was the favoured painter of Marie Antoinette, and by her 30s she was fleeing the French Revolution. Learn more about this 18th century portrait painter:

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Pastel portrait of Louis XIV in 1667, painted by Charles Le Brun.

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