Hawww, I forgot to post the results of my last art exchange. I got a beautiful halfbody drawing of my OC from CoCoCavanna and I sewed a polar fox pencil case for

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Avance del cómic STAR WARS ADVENTURES a la venta en USA el 15 de julio. Guiones de Michael Moreci y Cavan Scott. Dibujo y portadas de Arianna Florean, Mario del Pennino y David M. Buisán

Fuente original:

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I wish I could think of cool names for everyone but I know at least Cavan would be Crystalkit -> Crystalflight

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🎶The place where my heart breaks, you have mended...🎶

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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“It’s lucky Mojo found you in the storm or you’d both be dead...”


Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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A sentient nurse android, locked up in order to get information on the scavanger she lives with.

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Most recent drawing of mine, these are characters of mine from a futuristic world with androids. An upper city floats above and broken bots get tossed to the scavangers below.

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The Captain Giraffe Sparrow was drawn when I was 15 and thought that rigid poses were the best thing ever. I’m happy my artwork loosened up over time!

Artworks (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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Decía en mi anterior tuit dedicado a las acuarelas de la americana Ali Cavanaugh que me recordaban a las del sudafricano Keinyo White y a las del italiano Marcos Beccari.

Aquí las increíbles obras de White, muy conocido y apreciado por su talento con la acuarela y el retrato.

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Even if you’re above everyone else. 🦒

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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Don’t forget to take the oppor-tuna-ty to be kind to each other during this time! 🐬💙🦈

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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X is for Xixi Zhu Yi
In Chinese mythology, it was believed that eating the ten-finned Xixi Zhu Yi would cure jaundice.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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OTD 1594 Oh its all kicking off in S.Ulster. Capt Fuller's troops drawn to recover prey in Cavan. Engaged by Cormac MacBaron, 8 killed & rest 'escaped hardlie'. Walter Brady (Constable of Cavan) hoped they didn't plan to burn town as he was 'left here a man alone'😬

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U is for Unicorn
In the Middle Ages, cups which were allegedly made from the horn of a unicorn were highly valued by nobility as a protection against poisoned drinks.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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S is for Scylla
In Greek mythology, Scylla was a sea-monster who haunted the rocks of a narrow strait opposite the whirlpool of Charybdis.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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R is for Redcap
Popular in Border folklore, the redcap) is a malevolent goblin that is well-known for soaking his cap in the blood of his victims.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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P is for Pegasus
Pegasus, in Greek mythology, was a winged horse who sprang from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa as she was beheaded by the hero Perseus.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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