amanhã começa a Greve Global pelo Clima! 🌎
o movimento é liderado pela , essa gigante de 16 anos.
são mais de 5000 atos em 156 países, no Brasil em mais de 150 cidades!

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🌏 Coinciding with day, Today’s Good Move is a stunning and moving piece from . For the Viborg Animation Festival, Seoro animates the whole existence of earth up to now. 💘 👉

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Our Green Bag manifesto - "Producing high quality animated content for children should not leave a carbon footprint for them to deal with in adulthood."

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So beziehen Illustratoren aus ganz Europa Stellung gegen den Klimawandel! >>><<<

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On September 20 there’ll be the in New York. I can’t go personally but my best go out to everyone. Show your support by going to along side Andi Mack stars and . We’ve go one planet let care for it

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Cool kids- save our planet!
... und cool Colleagues zeichnen coole Plakate 😅. Danke an Sabine Müller-Waltle von Waltledesign, dass du an Board bist 👍. Auch dieses Plakat zum freien Download und Druck für den

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Wizard activists, this Friday & be part of climate history! We’re calling for the protection & restoration of 50% of the world’s lands & oceans (including a halt to all deforestation by 2030). ⚫️
Art by // curated by

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No. 004: Charmander

This Pokémon prefers to live in warm, arid climates where the flame on its tail is in less danger of going out. It has an organ for breathing fire, but only in short bursts until it develops further.

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TICK TOCK the biggest EVER global happens IN 6 DAYS😱Friday 20/9 We’ll be at the London strike. Kids are especially welcome & have their own space with these amazing things going on👀 🙌This strike is going to be HUGE, POWERFUL and It’s going to make a DIFFERENCE🌍

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🙌This time next week we will be at the with you singing We’re “calling all grown-ups- you can’t leave the world in fire & drought” 🎧🎶🆘#sosfromthekids 1 WEEK TO GO. TICK TOCK

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🌏🌎🌍This gorgeous protest poster was created by artist for You can download it for free at Join young activists around the world from September 20-27. Find out how at
Share widely if you'd like ❤

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'We have only 11 years left to limit climate change catastrophe. Lots of plant and animal species are endangered, including those drawn: polar bears, lemurs and sea turtles. The moment to take action is NOW!' 💚

20th September!

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Marshalls still needed for September 27th Strike in Please help out and RSVP here:

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