I feel like this is a wild spread, but that doesn’t make it any less true

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in descending order of importance, it’s all in my blood and never leaving 💚 some beloved comics of my youth

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know me for long enough and none of this will likely be surprising to you.

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i tried to think what's my at its core and in fact it's just 50/50 european and japanese comicaroos, blissfully forgetting 75% of the stuff I've read throughout the years as now i more or less just read zines, lol

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My , AKA "my middle school books of choice".

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Finally did my and it’s something like this (ignore the fact that es21 never came out in SJ in the US, I wanted to show both that book and the fact that I read every english SJ from cover to cover for probably 3+ years)

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New Mutants, Asterix & Obelix, Lynd Ward, Appleseed

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These ones I remember dearly from my childhood/early teens. They all had a huge impact on me and my drive for art.

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I had to think really hard about this one but this has to be it.

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The early 2000s energy is strong with these ones. This brings back so much nostalgia, even though the only one I'm still super into is Furuba.

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Some of my earliest memories are walking out of the LCS with new Barbie issues. But my real starts with FAKE, because its all buddy cop crime comics the rest of the way down. In fact Ghost in the Shell only barely lost to Appleseed and its STILL a buddycop comic. 💦💦

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These are the comics that first defined my love for the medium. As a kid I read the TV Sailor Moon comic adaptation long before I even knew what manga/anime was. One Piece was my first intro to manga and brought me back to art, Ranma 1/2 was and still is comedic genius

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I haven’t done a lot of comics work but I was very influenced by them. These are some that visually had a pretty big impact on me. Betty and Veronica when I was a kid, the others teens and early 20s.

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Look, if I'm being honest I read a lot of Garfield before I learned what manga was.

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