So, I took a break from the massive other piece I'm working on, and blasted through this moment in an evening as wanted to capture it.

'Let me Walk you Back.'

9 108

Dorian keeps getting bullied by everyone in the party I love my boy he deserves to be able to show off his tragic backstory without getting heckled by his friends

11 78

So this was just going to be a pretty basic sketch but I can't help myself. The glorious wild fire druid Fearne Calloway has made me fall in love with Ashley in a whole new way

4 17

For everyone who ships Dorian and Imogen together, I suggest their ship name be Frou Frou.

1 10

She’s fun scary ft pate!! From my inking class 😌
[rts appreciated]

6 24

The hardest words to say 😔😔 [C3E4] put a comic i did during the stream to audio!! there he goes

14 64

Pinned under scrutiny, Dorian Storm, set yourself free

32 153

"Insight check? You're in my head! I should roll an insight check on you! INSIGHT CHECK!" ...Okay. I already approve of Chetney.

1 65