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What does sharing look like in your classroom?
#kindness #mindfullness #disney #MickeyMouse #WinnieThePooh #EdTechTeam
Art by Jason Zucker Thx for sharing @efitz_edtech
As a T it is an exciting time, especially in the edtech space. I no longer have to wait for updates or new tools. I can design & create my own products for my S's. Created comic templates for #keynote using custom shapes. Touch frame and image fill! @AppleEDU #everyonecancreate
New blog post 'Real Creativity vs the App'. Would love to know your opinions on the matter. https://t.co/vvwDXZrgit
#artlesson #creativeapps #edtechchat
Get Your GIF On!! #EduGIFS!
via ☠️@burgessdave!
* #Sketchnote by @mospillman from @jmattmiller's #HiveSummit sesh!
#TLAP #XPLAP #EdTech #EdChat #HiveSketch #Sketchnotes #LearnLAP #DitchBook @dbc_inc
What a busy PD day we had today! I presented @classcraftgame to the 3-5/elective team at @LLTAcademy. It’s going to be a game changer for our kids and families! #gamification #edtech #classcraft
Fancy some #summerreading suggestions? Look no further than our list of game-based learning book recommendations! 📚 #reading #books #libraries #gbl #edtech #edchat
Planning your #InnEdCo18 sessions for tomorrow? Join me and @JayVeanCCSD as we share awesome ideas for PD using the Edcamp model. 9:15 in Crestone 3! #edtech
3 Things We’d Rather Not Hear About Gender Bias in K-12 Classrooms https://t.co/O5arnp5VyX #STEM #edtech
https://t.co/vKuEhHZuJF a video from grade 6 animation with #DoInk #animation app #arted #k12artchat #grade6art #ssischool #middleschoolart #edtech thanks for the inspiration @fuglefun and @DoInkTweets
Virtual Learning: No Longer for the Select Few https://t.co/cK0pbrhqym #k12 #edtech
Virtual Learning: No Longer for the Select Few https://t.co/3O2vraxqQT #k12 #edtech
Hikeshi Baba, a Japanese Yokai that goes around at night blowing out lamps. Watercolor and pencil on paper, with extra lighting added in Photoshop.
#art #sketch #watercolor #pencil #drawing #mixedtechnique #yokai #demon #mythology #creature #monster #photoshop #wacom
Don't miss our April 1 #deadline! FableVision is accepting applications for our #summer internship program in #art, #marketing, and #production! #Hiring #edtech https://t.co/5mCau3nyks
It's that time of the week, #followfriday! Here is my new favorite educational doer @nalang1 His posts are thought-provoking for sure! Here is one of his solid quotes sprinkled with a little graphic design from CL3 Design. #edtechteam @RLMann4 #FridayFeeling #Keynote #cl3design
The G7 birdcage is complete! We used PicCollage & Skitch to compare our plans to the final & Paper53 to plan our evaluation answers. #arted #iPaded #k12artchat #artsed #ssischool #edtech #coetail #visualthinking
Love this combination of a classic Australian book and digital technologies lesson!
#PossumMagic #DigiTech #EdTech #MemFox #Beebot @Ozobot @makeymakey
Superb work to celebrate International Women's Day from @Barnesfarmjnr Pupils have been writing about which women inspire them. Make sure you take a look at this lovely piece https://t.co/TK1hzPASda #internationalwomensday2018 #edtech
@semicvet50 @VladimerAntonov @MontyNishimura @BrindusaB1 @Hakflak @BPerrionni @RitaCobix @Koksalakn @amparofashion @Papryka5 @PasqualeTotaro @mariaireneali @lagatta4739 @dianadep1 @TommasoIorio @GaiaGaudenzi @TizianaRomano7 @yebosfaye @Biagio960 @sergey_silkin @agustin_gut @monicasloves @huskorkut @scastaldi9 @FrankCapitone @torillo59 @albertopetro2 @piotr408 @henrirouen @Jilliemary @DuckLemon @francescofrong2 @ejlazar @DoriCreates @nieuwemarlean @MomiraMonika @LuisaM56_ @duckylemon @pep_vilamala @longsight9a @EricJSwensson @MarionSpekker @zbleumoon @marienassar_ @BELLALMAMIA @pure_p4 @mhall55nine @GajHaj @peac4love Thank you Doctor💐🙏
Heartfelt gratitude to #Doctors #Surgeons #Nurses #Therapist #medtech #pharma #medicine #biotech #Genomics #health #wellness #psychology #professional fr extraordinary #kindness #Compassion #love #empathy #doctorsday #March30 #NursesWeek
🎨by #EustacheLeSueur
Today is the last day to submit your #EuropeanaChallenge ideas for the chance to win €30.000 funding! #EuropeanaEdTechChallenge #edTech #opportunity https://t.co/DmOWvNJGIr
One day to go. Are you ready to submit? #EuropeanaEdTechChallenge closes soon! Up to €30.000 for the best ideas using @EuropeanaEU content #EuropeanaChallenge https://t.co/ZW9hJw75nK