[GBF] Dragon Knights!! Going to make this a new print for SMASH ٩( ᐛ )و

138 257

[GBF] Lyria card drawing for GBF bingo at SMASH this year!! Please look forward to the fun activities at SMASH! <3<3

155 353

[GBF] I've been working on some strap designs-- I have 5 in total 😂
But for now, must protect this cute angel✨

74 218

[gbf] ルシサン the body of a supreme primarch, the head of an astral

82 179

[GBF] I have no basis for this other than they're both ikemen wind primals and... most likely black and white 🤤

648 916

[gbf] ルシサン (?) my wish isー

595 1091

[gbf] team "i started playing granblue for belial, unfortunately

+also messing around w/ csp manga tools

2 1


0 0

[gbf] ルシサン (?) another messy sketch,,

132 287

[GBF] I see a lot of GranBelial, but... why not DjeetaBelial (´・ω・`)

173 315

[GBF] Sandalphon is a complex one

374 535

[gbf] サンルシ bittersweet

sanchan + lucio fate episodes please.......................... pl eas e.............

197 249

[GBF] I can't be the only one to think Sandalphon and Lyria are cute

703 968

[GBF] These wings are too white for me

2572 4945


pls love sandalphon even if he is a evil cause hes evil with a really good reason

31 22

[GBF] どうして空は蒼いのか
No one will ever see this unless I point it out because I like to do things like this, but I drew Lyria's hair in a S shape for "Sky" ....

Please give me Sandalphon or Lucifer in part II 🙏🙏

343 738

[GBF] どうして空が蒼いのか~What makes the sky blue? ~
Sandalphon's tears of course.

I am eagerly awaiting Sandy's return..!!

234 295