Yeaaaaahhh like Ryo would pass up a duel that could (almost) kill him

In actuality though I think the way he responds to this knowledge initially shows that he understands he maybe shouldn't risk his life in the real world any more....... maybe

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I like how this sounds mean but his voice was soft and calm and I don't think he meant it accusatory.... he's concerned about his l'il bro moving forward 🥲

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you don't say.... and LOL Ryo...

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Stop...... my heart......

0 2

this is so fucking cute I'm going to yeet myself into that ocean

0 6

pfffFFFt "well enough" despite... dying of heart failure in the Dark World and being wheelchair bound (Ryo speaking softer post-HK will always always kill me though)

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I WILL SOB the fact that he knew Sho was there from his presence alone...

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I love how 1) Ryo looks so soft and has clearly been thinking about past events but I think it's more than just fondly remembering his masochistic tendancies

and 2) there is no way in hell he isn't gonna do that LOL

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lmfao same though (I knew he came back, but)

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his soft face......... 😔

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Again it's pretty easy to not read this as romantic... like... it's really goddamn hard to go through feeling like a close friend isn't seeing you eye to eye or caring enough about you anymore.... what a good ep actually

0 4

he's so cute smh................. the most emotional parts of these eps was just seeing him smile and open up at all oh my god

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If this is really all the "confession" is, I actually don't think it was meant to be explicitly romantic... it is strong, sure, because of everything they've been through (which goes for anyone else who's been with Judai all that time)

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Judai probably wouldn't understand her dilemma w/what she wanted to do with her life anyway LOL

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