I joined and got paired with
It was nice uwu Majority of the art is from like 2 months ago so what is personal style x'D

Link to the fic: https://t.co/zhxghKRahA

16 66

Кек. Продолжаю пробовать себя в чем-то новом. И это только начало.

38 107

Got some new pencils! I wanted to try them and, what best way to do it than with this two gorgeous?

0 17

Younger siblings always get extra stuff after grocery shopping. I'm a older sister and can confirm.

12 37

Hanzo with the style of >Hang the fool<
Have you already read this good fanfic?

13 31

The cowboy finally got a decent photo if his boyfriend (yeah, i like the idea of Hanzo getting used to "social stuff" like this. Cute.)

44 133

Atlantis AU part 1: First meeting

The AU I invested way too much time into. I still think about this AU at night.

133 401

I got way too many headcanons for them. One of them is that they met really early and fell in love but Hanzo's dad wouldn't allow this love to bloom because of Han's duties

25 89

dont know which version is better so im posting both, but i finally got the valentines pic finished

77 184

Been drawing on stream tonight and made some "art". Pretty satisfied with the results I guess :P.

0 7