♥︎. Lady Dimitrescu .♥︎ From Re: village / Resident evil village , took a while to make but heres the sexy queen herself

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Alexandrea artwork. My Original Character that I Rp with a Aclina Dimitrescu Rper.

Her hand is so big and I love it ' w'

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Now that I’ve figured out how I like to draw Alcina and make her look good, I’m going back and redoing a lot of my old art ;D I’ll re-post the Rp story with this that I wrote with my Significant Other.

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So, I know I posted this sketch like, a week ago but I finally did the linework for it and I'm in love. Alcina Dimitrescu is Bae.

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New Alcina Artwork. I really can't get enough of this woman. Here is my process. Line work, separating color bits from background with a greyscale, and then coloring.

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A bit late over here, but here's a Lady Dimitrescu I painted the other day for Mother's Day 🖤

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