038 手の下書き忘れるという不覚がありつつ…身体のパースがわかるとても良い資料ですね… 

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036 アップきたー!!!と思ってはしゃぎすぎた…くそ… 30秒前からカウントダウン始めるようにしてるんだけど、そのカウント始まってからハイライトにかかるってパターンが続く…

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033 クリスタ使い方ちょっと復習したらめっちゃ効率上がった…ありがたい…

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頭描くことをすっかり忘れてて…なんだかさんざん あと前鋸筋にいつまでも苦手意識が…

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I kinda like this! Anyways this is my character Shade. She's an edgy looking girl but she has a big heart

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Three more friends as moomin characters! 😊
, and a third one who is not on Twitter.

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Another fren as a moomin character! it youuuu!

Please don't repost or use without my permission.

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Another friendo of mine as a moomin character, squeezing the everliving sht out of a big shark-plushie. These are so much fun 😄

Please don't repost or use without my permission.

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I drew my friend as a moomin character. (@/glitching_kuukkeli on instagram)

Please don't repost or use without my permission.

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