Mostra collettiva Natalizia presso la galleria RvB Arts in
Via delle Zoccolette 28 e in
Via Giulia 193 a Roma.

Olio su tela105x70

Giuliano Macca

La solitudine di Psiche

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Some sweet creations in honor of and all of the delicious desserts enjoyed over the Thanksgiving holiday. Check out our blog to learn more about some of our new https://t.co/hIwzIGqFuG

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The Pala di Santa Giuliana is a work signed by the Perugian painter Domenico Alfani and dated 1532. Originally placed on Santa Giuliana in Perugia, on the occasion of the centenary of the Museum it has been restored and is now on display at L'altra Galleria.

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Chi ha ucciso Sig Giuliano?


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8月 ペリドット「Carlo Giuliano's pendant」

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Lana Del Rey as Eve in ‘Tropico’, 2013. // Poster for ‘The Case of the Bloody Iris’, depicting Edwige Fenech as Jennifer, dir. Giuliano Carnimeo, 1972.

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Giuliani on Meet the Press said that "truth isn't truth" when trying to explain why it would be a perjury trap for Trump to sit down with Mueller. The crazy train continues. Rudy's Truth cartoon: https://t.co/1NUPxcefe6

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Giuliano Boscaini

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L’unico vero maestro non è in nessuna foresta, in nessuna capanna, in nessuna caverna di ghiaccio dell’Himalaya…
È dentro di noi.

- Tiziano Terzani -

🎨 Giuliano Boscaini

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'Who doesn't love impossible monsters?' and a gender-swapping Lucy - take a look inside the artistic mind of Giuliano Brocani, new to read on Affinity Spotlight https://t.co/XOOsTsr6HB

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Ann Telnaes
WaPo Editorial Cartoonist: https://t.co/tjkples99j

🔸 'Rudy Giuliani shows what he’s made of,' 7 Jun 2018. Ann Telnaes, WaPo.

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Rudy Giuliani, from America's mayor to Trump's troll.

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Morten Morland on the US president Donald Trump’s payments, Stormy Daniels and Rudolph Giuliani - political cartoon gallery in Putney

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